
Showing posts from October, 2023

Ekstrom Stage Station

The Ekstrom Stage Station  is a restaurant and campground alongside Rock Creek, about a mile south of I-90 at exit 126. The property features "a collection of reconstructed western Montana homesteader cabins and frontier buildings moved log by log from their original location up and down the Clark Fork Valley." Due to the proximity of Ekstrom Stage Station to the Betters homestead, I had hoped that one of the buildings had been moved from the Betters property. I don't know where the smaller cabins were moved from, so that remains a possibility, but the main building, a former stage station, was not the Pine Grove House. It was the Birmingham Flats Station building which was originally located along the Mullan Road in Bearmouth, 15 miles east of Rock Creek. The photos below are from my visit to Ekstrom's on July 16, 2017.  

Facts about how the Betters came to Montana

A draft of this post has been sitting, mostly complete, since November 2013. Today, I finally put the finishing touches on it and published it. Hopefully, this will spur me to resume sharing the results of sporadic research I have conducted on the Betters in Clinton over the past decade. Ernest Terry and Fannie Nettle aren't in my direct line, but this is one of those cases where I learned about my ancestors through tangential research. Guy Howlett lived next to Fan and Ern when he was growing up, so he was able to tell me quite a few stories about them. After meeting with Guy in Clinton, I decided to do some research on Ernest and Fannie, which turned up this article in the June 2, 1969 issue of the  North Pacific Union Gleaner about Fannie's 99th birthday : The article provided me with a number of gems: Fannie "came to Montana with her family, including her great-grandmother" - This was a completely new revelation to me. While I don't have a name, and I don...