Betters to Reside in California / Old-Time Missoula Resident Leaves to Make Home in Warmer Climate
I love digitization! So, even though I moved to Montana in 2008 and the facts I have learned about the Betters line have grown exponentially since then, the irony is that most of that additional information has been learned through the internet, so it's research I could have done anywhere. One thing I'd been meaning to do, the next time I had some spare time in Missoula, was to just flip through microfilm of old newspapers, to see if I could come across something that I was not able to find through the available indexes. Well, last night, on a whim, I decided to see if the early Missoula papers had been digitized yet. They had! Not only that, but they appear to be searchable as well. I found the clipping to the left at Chronicling America . Several early newspapers have been digitized, and are available for free on the Chronicling America website. Chronicling America "is a Website providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspape...