Facts about how the Betters came to Montana
A draft of this post has been sitting, mostly complete, since November 2013. Today, I finally put the finishing touches on it and published it. Hopefully, this will spur me to resume sharing the results of sporadic research I have conducted on the Betters in Clinton over the past decade. Ernest Terry and Fannie Nettle aren't in my direct line, but this is one of those cases where I learned about my ancestors through tangential research. Guy Howlett lived next to Fan and Ern when he was growing up, so he was able to tell me quite a few stories about them. After meeting with Guy in Clinton, I decided to do some research on Ernest and Fannie, which turned up this article in the June 2, 1969 issue of the North Pacific Union Gleaner about Fannie's 99th birthday : The article provided me with a number of gems: Fannie "came to Montana with her family, including her great-grandmother" - This was a completely new revelation to me. While I don't have a name, and I don...
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